

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/21/2020

The Toasters, "Dub 56" We're mid-career with the Toasters here, with the Toasters basically having found their sound with Dub 56. They'd further refine it a bit on the next couple albums, but this is more or less where they ended up. You can very...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/10/2020

The Toasters, "East Side Beat" Your first instinct might be to think that Rob "Bucket" Hingley's accent here is a terrible put-on. But no, Rob was born in England, so he earned this. At any rate, this is from the first Toasters album, and it...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 1/11/2020

Logh, "The Smoke Will Lead You Home" Absolutely no recollection of buying this record! Let's listen together! ...This sounds like something I would have been really into circa 1994. Cobalt, "Pregnant Insect" OK, you ready for some shit? Cobalt is a duo! Listen to this!...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/2/2019

Today! Atmosphere, "Next To You" On one hand, I think it's admirable that Atmosphere is willing to experiment with their music and stray very far from the hip-hop that they originally made their names with. On the other, though, when they do too much of...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 7/12/2018

Some nice stuff today. Hot Snakes, "Think About Carbs" Listening to just the right channel on this song is kind of magical. Just Rick Froberg howling along with the drums except for the occasional burst of guitar until you get to the end. Just listen...