

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/5/2021

Can, "Mother Upduff" I still kind of lament Unlimited Edition being the first record I ever heard from Can. It's so scattered, as befits an outtake compilation, that it's hard to really appreciate it without the context of already loving the band. I decided to...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 1/8/2019

Today! Sam & Dave, "A Place Nobody Can Find" Early stars on Stax, Sam & Dave are always super enjoyable to listen to, and this song is of course no exception. Knxwledge, "Bodies[Totw]" Knxwledge's solo album, Hud Dreems, is all instrumental and most of the tracks...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/1/2017

125 entries in this series and counting. Is everybody still having fun? I am! Also: I have music for you! Craw, "Drugs" You know, I should really be backing more music on Kickstarter. The Craw reissue project is one of my very favorites among things...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 4/26/2017

The Wedding Present was great last night! Nice mix of older material and newer stuff, including playing "Dalliance" (included on the playlist), one of the great songs about longing ever. We have music sign! Knxwledge, "onlijournitro" This is from yet another DJ album, with this...