

Five Songs

Five Songs, 10/26/2020

Mudhoney, "Endless Yesterday" Mudhoney is never really going to sound mature, not with Mark Arm sounding like he does. But as they went along (this is from their seventh album), they picked up a lot of moves that make them sound so much more put...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/7/2020

Hepcat, "Marcus Garvey" Y'all, it's ska weather right now in Seattle. It's still sunny, but not oppressive, and some breezy tunes to go with it is just perfect. I've had Hepcat on while making dinner a few times recently, and it's going down niiiice. Right...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 12/23/2019

The Presidents of the United States of America, "We Are Not Going To Make It" The Presidents were viewed as a novelty act, which is kind of inescapable when your hits are things like "Lump" and "Peaches". And, yeah, there's a lot of breezy nonesense...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/25/2019

Little dodgier today. Starlight Mints, "Irene" You know what? I remember this band being very, very Pavement-ish. Like, if you had asked me what they sounded like, I would have said something like "imagine Pavement, but shittier" or something equally facile. But, let's face it,...