Nitzer Ebb, "Control I'm Here (live)"
I mentioned the other day that I kept up with the proliferation of Nitzer Ebb releases for a while, and this is a good example of what a pain in the ass that was. When they started picking up...
Confidential to Megan: there's a playlist on Plexasaurus Rex for today! For the rest of you, you have to first put up with my crap for about 25 years, and then you can have a private playlist. In the mean time, you can at least...
Driving on through Sunday! Even though I'm actually writing this on Friday! Time is confusing! Music is forever!
Einstürzende Neubauten, "Trinklied"
We haven't hit Neubauten proper yet, although we did encounter Alexandre Hacke with his work with The Unsemble. Einstürzende Neubauten (literally, "collapsing new buildings"...