

Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/2/2023

Coil, "Dark River" Coil is one of the most interesting bands to emerge from the original industrial scene, where they quickly went off in their own direction. By the time we get to their third proper album, Love's Secret Domain, there wasn't really anything industrial...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 7/1/2022

Torche, "Reverse Inverted" For how often I mention Torche, it's nice to actually get the band in here. Always loud, always delightful. Samiam, "Factory" Just going full-on big rock today. With luck, everything we get will soar, and it'll be a rare feel-good Five Songs...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/19/2022

matt pond PA, "Measure 3" I ran out of interesting (?) things to say about matt pond PA a couple tracks ago. So, as per the standard Five Songs Style Guide, that gives me license to just blather here. ... Turns out I don't have anything interesting...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/15/2021

ALL, "Honey Peeps" By the time they hit 1997's Mass Nerder, ALL was on their third singer across seven albums, but the band still basically sounded the same. This was finally the album where I realized that I was very much done with them. The...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/20/2020

Torche, "Admission" When we had My Bloody Valentine the other day, I confessed that I didn't really love Loveless. In turn, that means that I'm not really much on shoegaze, which is true. What I do often like is when bands take shoegaze-style wall of...