
Vampire Weekend

Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/25/2022

Logic, "YSIV" There are a bunch of long songs on YSIV (Young Sinatra 4), but I'm not sure that it totally works for me. Goodness knows I don't have a problem with long songs in general, but I really kind of want more evolution over...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/21/2022

Monobody, "Curry Courier Career" Is there such a thing as a math jam band? I think there might be. Trigger Cut, "Fireworks" This is just pure throwback to mid-90s Amphetamine Reptile stuff. It makes the Pavement band name a little off, though, they should have...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 7/20/2021

Vampire Weekend, "Unbelievers" Vampire Weekend's third album was a return to form to my ears. Contra was a little bit too scattered, and sounded a little bit tired, and just didn't quite hang together. But Modern Vampires of the City had some of that ineffable...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/22/2021

Skinnerbox, "Trying To Be Cool" Skinnerbox's What You Can Do, What You Can't is a charming album from the third wave, full of personality and a distinctive sound, especially King Django's vocals. Alas, the followup record Demonstration, which gives us this tune, feels really flattened....

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/10/2021

Stevie Wonder, "Superwoman (Where Were You When I Needed You)" Music Of My Mind was the album where Stevie Wonder found another gear. He was a one-man band at this point, and he had really mastered writing a complete record. From here through Songs in...