YACHT, "I Love A Computer"
Aww, the computer loves you too, YACHT.
The Band, "I Shall Be Released"
The Band's Music From The Big Pink seems like a super impressive debut album, but of course, they had been Dylan's backing band, so they were not...
Here's today!
Nickel Creek, "You Don't Know What's Going On"
This project has now gone on long enough that I can't really remember which bands I've introduced and which ones I have not. And, honestly, it's not reasonable to assume everybody has read/listened to...
We have another Bandcamp embed here, so the YouTube playlist only has four songs instead of the usual five. I assume you'll all survive.
YACHT, "The Denver Nuggets"
Whimsical electronic music, sounding here like nothing so much as a video game song. I used to...