The Roots, "We Got You"
Just a brief thing from the Roots' live album, I won't spend more time on this than it lasts.
Wu-Tang Clan, "A Better Tomorrow"
The way the drums start up on this track, that's such a RZA move. The distant piano loop also is a signature. These days, if I came into a beat blind, I couldn't be sure if it's a RZA track or not, because his style has been adopted by a lot of folks. But in 1997? Yeah, I could easily pick his stuff out.
Ringworm, "Destroy or Create"
The band name Ringworm is well-chosen - it's specific enough to really gross you out without making you laugh like some of the over-the-top names of some other bands. Well done, Ringworm, that's nasty.
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, "Talk About The Blues"
An alternate version of this song, this one appears on one of the many bonus/b-sides/whatever collections JSBX put out. This one is Ura / Extra Acme +, if you want to be a completist. But you don't really need to for this track.
They Might Be Giants, "I Am Alone"
You know, there are a lot of killers in John Linnell's Lyrical Universe, especially for such cheerful tunes.