The Beautiful South, "Liars' Bar"
Yeah, not the best choice here for a band where the delightful vocal performances are such an important part of their sound.
Madvillain, "Operation Lifesaver aka Mint Test"
A thing about Madvillain which is always impressive is that a lot of these tracks are pretty short, often under two minutes, but they feel fully realized and don't at all feel skimpy. They're just so packed with ideas that even a brief track is satisfying.
Beige, "Yakumo Dippel"
I'm all for minimalism in my techno, but this track also kinda doesn't really go anywhere in particular. Except in the last four seconds, which I want to hear more of.
Freeway, "Flipside"
Hm, I wonder who produced this track?
While I like Freeway's debut record, I think he gets stronger in the next couple albums, as he acquires more coherence in his records and differentiates himself more.
Foetus, "Hot Horse"
A thing about Foetus that is hard to ignore is how fundamentally weird all this stuff is. It's sui generis, nothing else even really approaches sounding like it. Thirlwell creates these deranged worlds and characters, and seems to fully inhabit them, and while a lot of it doesn't make any sense, you can still tell it's all menacing. And it's married to a truly off-kilter musical sensibility, which I also find myself having trouble describing. It doesn't matter where you go with his discography, it's going to be baffling.