Parliament, "Testify"
Up For the Down Stroke is the record where George Clinton brought back the Parliament name and it represented the band going big on party friendly funk tunes. It's the record where they really hit the big time, and the start of their essential records.
George Harrison, "Any Road"
Released posthumously, Brainwashed is the final record from Harrison, and the only one I've actually picked up. I'm not sure I'm really the audience for this, fundamentally. It's pleasant enough, but not something I'm going to really throw on.
MU330, "Rocket Fuel"
Hmm...I was looking on Discogs to check the release date of this (1999), and it's listed as having the genres "alternative rock" (hmm), "ska" (sure), "punk" (ok), and "hard rock" (double hmm). But at first, my brain combined a couple and coughed up "hard ska", and you know what? I like that.
Squirrel Nut Zippers, "Baby Wants A Diamond Ring"
There were a bunch of lineup changes between (the excellent) Perennial Favorites and Bedlam Ballroom, and a bunch of stylistic changes as well. In particular, there was a lot less of the hot jazz and calypso, and more swing and more New Orleans sounds on the record. The new approach didn't do that much for me, and the band wrapped up after this album (except for a reunion in 2018 that I haven't heard).
Orbital, "Chime"
This is sufficiently hyptonic that I'm just going to listen and not try to write about it.