Five Songs, 9/12/2022
Five Songs

Five Songs, 9/12/2022

Mogwai, "Remurdered"

I dunno about this, man. I want some fury with my Mogwai, some big dynamics, something should howl. This is pretty cerebral and isn't what I'm generally looking for from them.

Jean Knight, "Mr. Big Stuff"

A repeat of an all-time jam.

American Music Club, "If I Had A Hammer"

"Gratitude Walks" is the opener of this album, but this beautiful slice of melancholy in the second position was what got me sold on American Music Club. I bought this album and listened to it on the walk back to campus, and it was such a change of pace from what I was listening to at the time that it really stuck with me. It's good to have some things in your music diet that aren't just noise and wrath.

Cinerama, "Kerry Kerry"

I was just poking fun at Cinerama's horns the other day, come on shuffle! You have to give me more time to think of new things to say about bands!

Mastodon, "The Wolf is Loose"

But, you know...gotta have some wrath too.

I kick around a bunch which Mastodon album is my favorite. It's between this, Leviathan, and Crack the Skye. Depending on my mood, one or the other will rise to the top, but I think it's most often this record. It's generally the right balance for me between Mastodon's earlier intensity and the prog tendencies they would drift towards. Sometimes that extra elaborate stuff is what I'm looking for, but this is a such a good package.

Silkworm, "Raging Bull"

Silkworm was a tremendously consistent band. They didn't make the same album over and over, but everything they did was immediately recognizable as on the continuum of Silkworm songs. Even with that consistency, they were never boring, and they just kept putting out solid album after solid album. The band wrote at some point the observation that everybody seemed to have a different favorite record (Libertine for me), which I think makes sense. Anyway, this is from 2000's Lifestyle, it's a good record, listen to Silkworm.

Joshua Buergel
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Five Songs, 9/13/2022

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Five Songs, 9/11/2022