Mogwai, "Remurdered"
I dunno about this, man. I want some fury with my Mogwai, some big dynamics, something should howl. This is pretty cerebral and isn't what I'm generally looking for from them.
Jean Knight, "Mr. Big Stuff"
A repeat of an all-time jam.
The Apples in Stereo, "IV. From Outside, in Floats a Music Box"
Were it not for the presence of "floats", this would be the kind of title you might find on a really pretentious prog album. I guess "twee" and "pretentious" are just two sides...
WE'RE BACK, BABY! The historical record of this blog won't show anything, but for the record: on the 18th, I blew this damn thing up so thoroughly trying to update it that I had to re-install it from scratch, and then remember all the custom...
They Might Be Giants, "Experimental Film"
The Spine is a very elaborate album from TMBG. The production is really lush and layered, and it pays off in songs like this one. As the years go on, I actually end up appreciating this album more and...
Deltron 3030, "Virus"
Hmm, gotta say this song hits a little different than it used to.
Cinerama, "Maniac"
Yet another live-in-studio thing! Two yesterday, another today. This is from John Peel Sessions, the progenitor of all these projects. Well, not this particular one, the John...