A brief discussion popped up on Twitter, and I realized how strong 1989 was for albums. In no particular order: Bleach, 3 Feet High and Rising, Pretty Hate Machine, Doolittle, Energy, 13 Songs, Wrong, Bizarro, Paul's Boutique, and Mudhoney were all released that year. And I'm sure I'm missing others. Although I'm sure I'd come up with similar lists for other years. I did look at 1990, and at first glance, it doesn't seem as strong. Anyway, here's today's music.
MF Doom, "Fillet-O-Rapper"
One day, we'll actually get Doom rapping on one of these songs. Today is not that day.
Dead Kennedys, "D.M.S.O."
Dammit, shuffle, this is a repeat! I'm doing an extra song today.
Nine Inch Nails, "Wish"
1989's Pretty Hate Machine pretty much set the standard for industrial dance, an album that kept getting bigger and bigger as time went on. But studio disputes stopped Trent Reznor from releasing any kind of followup, and it was three years before his next release showed up, 1992's Broken EP. While Pretty Hate Machine sounded tortured, obsessed, and betrayed, mostly Broken just sounds furious. Broken is far more aggressive than Pretty Hate Machine, and showed that Reznor wasn't just going to remake his first album (to the chagrin of many of his fans).
Nomeansno, "I Get Up In The Morning"
This oddity is from an EP, Generic Shame, which was the leftovers from the One recording sessions. These songs were judged not to fit the mood of that album, so they were released separately. This song seems almost like a hyperactive Talking Heads song to me.
Antipop Consortium, "Born Electric"
Antipop Consortium here with an unusual track that has them trying to branch out into about eight different genres at once. Not with total success, though. Shuffle seems to love this album from them.
Mudhoney, "Baby, Can You Dig The Light"
Mudhoney here going basically full-on psychedelic, with a track from Since We've Become Translucent. As this was the opener of the album, I guess I knew I was in for something different from them. But it still bears that grimy Mudhoney touch, which it'll have as long as Mark Arm and Steve Turner are playing.