

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/21/2022

Monobody, "Curry Courier Career" Is there such a thing as a math jam band? I think there might be. Trigger Cut, "Fireworks" This is just pure throwback to mid-90s Amphetamine Reptile stuff. It makes the Pavement band name a little off, though, they should have...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/26/2021

Tar, "G7" Well, I just mentioned Amphetamine Reptile Records the other day! Here's one of my favorite bands from that label, but in their post-AmRep days. They put out two albums and an EP on AmRep and then left to put out some tunes for...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 4/9/2021

Monobody, "Country Doctor" Monobody is one of those bands that has a real mismatch of names. For whatever reason, I don't think this should be a math-rock/post-rock kind of band. "Monobody" seems like it should really be a garage rock outfit, all galloping guitars,...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 1/23/2021

Monobody, "Raytracing" Monobody is an instrumental math rock band from Chicago, with a couple of albums so far. This is from the second, Raytracing. Their music has more than a little bit of jazz fusion going on in things, and is definitely more towards the...