

Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/9/2023

Polvo, "The Fighting Kites" Polvo's final album from their first run, Shapes, had kind of a cool reception as I recall. I know personally that I felt like it was a step back from the previous couple albums. But now, a couple decades later, I...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/30/2022

L'altra, "Slow as Cake" Is cake slow? I don't think of cake as a particularly slow food. I suppose it takes a while to pre-heat the oven, bake the thing, let it cool, and then decorate it. So...maybe they are slow. But they're not...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 8/15/2022

The Queers, "I Like Young Girls" There are a lot of questions raised by this blog, most of them unanswerable. Foremost among those questions is "why do I have so many damn albums from the Queers?" American Music Club, "Patriot's Heart" After ten years apart,...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 7/1/2022

Torche, "Reverse Inverted" For how often I mention Torche, it's nice to actually get the band in here. Always loud, always delightful. Samiam, "Factory" Just going full-on big rock today. With luck, everything we get will soar, and it'll be a rare feel-good Five Songs...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 4/4/2022

No Age, "Life Prowler" As always, Five Songs is a pro-duo place, which is something we feel compelled to mention every single time one comes up. It's just one of our loveable quirks, like not knowing shit about jazz or using the royal we, but...