
The Mekons

Five Songs

Five Songs, 6/14/2022

Uncle Tupelo, "Looking For A Way Out (Demo)" This comes from the deluxe reissue of Uncle Tupelo's second album, Still Feel Gone. And, you know what? I'm just going to get sentimental here. I really miss Uncle Tupelo! I know that we ended up with...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/16/2021

Azymuth, "Laranjeiras" Far Out Recordings released a comp of demos from Azymuth from 1973-5 in 2019, capturing this Brazilian jazz/funk group's sound at the height of their powers. I don't know jack shit about them other than this, but this record seriously smokes. The...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/2/2020

Flying Lotus, "Takashi" It's a little hard to describe Flying Lotus accurately. "Electronic" feels wholly inadequate. "Fusion" is accurate, yes, but also feels like it's not really highlighting what he's fusing. There's lots of jazz and experimental electronic music here, some funk...just kind of...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 12/4/2019

Nation of Ulysses, "The Sound of Young America" I need more art punk in my life. Nation of Ulysses was unafraid to just go for it, with their over-the-top political polemics, the atonal honking of the trumpet, the odd song structures, or whatever other pretensions...