
The Meters

Five Songs

Five Songs, 7/26/2018

Nice one. Gaunt, "Powder Keg Variety" The formula is so simple. Just big guitars, big choruses, and a fun tune. It's Cheap Trick, basically. But, dammit, it's still delightful, and I can't get enough of this. I miss Gaunt, y'all. Metallica, "The Judas Kiss" The...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/12/2017

Today's set is, frankly, a mess. The hazards of the random number generator. Andrew Bird, "The Water Jet Cilice" 210 songs in my collection from Andrew Bird, and this stupid thing picked a repeat song. Sure, we get Six Songs today, but come on. I...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 11/6/2017

Today's play list. Head of David, "Wolf" Oh god, this is a bad song. I'm so, so sorry, if anybody is listening to this. This is like something straight out of the cheesiest fever swamps of power metal, but with no ridiculous flaming guitar solo....