If I wanted to point to a "lol random!" kind of playlist, today might be the day.
Minutemen, "Tension"
This song, from The Punch Line, really shows off what made the Minutemen so great. Listen to that rhythm section! Listen to D Boon hanging back on guitar until he can come in for maximum effect! And it's only 1:20! That this is from their debut album makes it all the more impressive.
Dave Hillyard and the Rocksteady 7, "Playtime"
There's a clutch of New York ska artists who just kind of recombine in a billion different bands, but still providing more or less the same experience. So, here we are: Dave Hillyard play saxophone with the Slackers, having been there from the first album. So, he's a-ok in my book! He also played with the Stubborn All-Stars. And here he is with with his own band, the Rocksteady 7, which also includes some of the same people. If you like the Slackers, it's totally worth checking out.
Bullfrog, "Alright: Music For More Morning People"
We here at Five Songs are kind of suckers for groove bands who have a good DJ. Acts like DJ Logic and Live Human are a lot of fun. Here, we have one of the better examples: Bullfrog features Kid Koala on the turntables, and he's one of the very best. Add it to a solid band, and you've got fun stuff.
Bathory, "Of Doom"
Here we have Bathory in full-on black metal form, showing off the primitve recording, inhuman shrieks, and blistering tempo that would be hallmarks of the genre. This is elemental and punishing in a way that so few albums ever have been.
Carla Thomas, "All I Want For Christmas Is You"
Good one, shuffle! I'm surprised that these two songs don't just blow each other up.