

Five Songs

Five Songs, 3/17/2019

Emerald City Comic Con today! I've been going every year, since the oldest was around four, because it's nice to just kind of check out what's going on in comics. It's not really ever been my hobby, I've only dabbled in it. But it's an...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 2/12/2019

PUNK AS FUCK TODAY White Lung, "Kiss Me When I Bleed" Been a little while since we've had any Canadian punk! I've missed it! They're from Vancouver, it's lovely to have some singing not from a dude, and the guitar work is righteous. Sicko, "Kenny...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/13/2018

OK, let's see if we can do better than that low energy thing yesterday. Whatcha got, shuffle? Dawnbringer, "Nobody There" Pure heavy metal revivalism, Dawnbringer has decided to see if they can just play this stuff totally straight and manage to not sound totally cheesy....

Five Songs

Five Songs, 5/7/2018

All frequent fliers today! Public Enemy, "Lost In Space Music" This comes from Man Plans God Laughs, which is deep into the long run of somehwat undifferentiated albums that Public Enemy has been making for years and years now. They've lasted long enough and produced...

Five Songs

Five Songs, 4/22/2018

Today's music. DJ Food, "Cookin'" A collaboration between Coldcut (who we haven't had yet) and a couple other guys, DJ Food sits between electronic music and abstract hip-hop. They've put out a bunch of records, and as befits the guys behind Coldcut, the ones I've...